
Name Of Publication PDF Date of Publication Author of Publication Tags Processes Other topics
Effect of Spray Quenching Rate on Distortion and Residual Stresses during Induction Hardening of a Full-Float Truck Axle Download PDF 09/16/2013 Zhichao Li, Lynn Ferguson, Valentin Nemkov, Robert Goldstein, John Jackowski, and Greg Fett AISI 1541 Truck axle, Spray quench rate, Distortion, and Residual stress Induction hardening and Spray quenching
Effect of Steel Hardenability on Stress Formation in an Induction Hardened Axle Shaft Download PDF 10/20/2015 Lynn Ferguson, Justin Sims, Charlie Li, Valentin Nemkov, Robert Goldstein, and John Jackowski Steel hardenability, Axle shaft, and Alloy chemistry effect Induction hardening, Scanning induction, and Spray quench
Process Innovation to Eliminate Cracking Problems in Large Diameter Parts with Nonuniform Wall Thickness Download PDF 09/16/2013 Zhichao Li and Lynn Ferguson Process innovation, Cracking problems, AISI 4150, and Large parts Induction hardening and Spray quench
Stress and Deformation during Induction Hardening of Tubular Products Download PDF 09/09/2012 Lynn Ferguson, Zhichao Li, Valentin Nemkov, and Robert Goldstein Thick-wall tube, AISI 4340, and Stress and deformation Induction hardening and Spray quenching
Sources of Distortion Study during Quench Hardening using Computer Modeling Download PDF 10/24/2017 Zhichao Li, Lynn Ferguson, Justin Sims, and Tianyu Yu Distortion, AISI 9310 bevel gear, and Modeling and simulation Quench hardening
Solving Critical Heat Treatment Challenges with Practical Process Modeling Download PDF 10/24/2017 Justin Sims, Tianyu Yu, Charlie Li, and Lynn Ferguson Computer modeling, Heat treatment challenges, Quench cracking, Press quench tooling design, and Carbide formation Induction hardening, Press quench, and Low pressure carburization
Predicting the Heat-Treat Response of a Carburized Helical Gear Download PDF 12/01/2002 Lynn Ferguson, Andrew Freborg, Greg Petrus, and Melvin Callabresi 5120 helical gear, Modeling and simulation, and Process simulation Carburization, Salt quench, and Air cool
Materials Model Development for AA6061 Aluminum Download PDF Jason Meyer, Charlie Li, and Justin Sims 6061, Aluminum, Precipitation, and Model Development Solution Treatment, Artificial Aging, Ageing, and Precipitation Hardening
Name Of Publication PDF Date of Publication Author of Publication Tags Processes Other topics